The eyelids undergo several changes as we age. Beginning in our late 30s and early 40s, the levator muscle (lifts the upper eyelids) begins to weaken, causing upper eyelid drooping (ptosis). Eyelid ptosis may prevent the eyelids from fully opening and create a feeling of heaviness in the upper lid area. At the same time, the thin, delicate skin of the upper eyelids starts to sag, and excess folds of skin may hang down over the edge of the upper eyelids—the medical term for this condition is dermatochalasis; however, it is more commonly referred to as “hooding.”
Right upper eyelid ptosis surgery before and after
Upper eyelid ptosis and hooding are both cosmetic and medical concerns. In the cosmetic realm, hooded, droopy eyelids can produce a chronically tired appearance that detracts from your overall facial beauty and can make you look significantly older than your actual age. Medical problems linked to upper eyelid hooding and/or ptosis include:
- Gradual loss of peripheral vision
- Patients with hooded or drooping eyelids subconsciously raise their eyebrows in an attempt to lift the excess skin and improve their field of vision, which can lead to visual fatigue, forehead wrinkles, and/or headaches
- Vision problems resulting from decreased light entering the eye
The most effective corrective procedure to address upper eyelid ptosis and/or hooding is an upper eyelid lift (a.k.a. upper eyelid surgery, upper blepharoplasty, upper eye lift, lidlift). In the past, upper eyelid surgery protocols involved overly-aggressive, “subtractive” techniques associated with an increased risk of damage to the eyelid musculature, potentially hindering the patient’s ability to fully close their eyes, and producing results that looked unnatural or overworked.
Structured Micro-blepharoplasty
To avoid these potential complications, your upper eyelid lift should be performed by an experienced oculofacial and cosmetic surgeon, such as Dr. Kenneth Steinsapir. Dr. Steinsapir is widely regarded as one of the top oculofacial experts in the world because he avoids the flawed, traditional approaches to eye surgery, choosing instead to employ an innovative technique known as “structured micro-blepharoplasty.”
Because this technique emphasizes the creation of structure to preserve the integrity of the eyelids and spare the delicate eyelid tissue, Dr. Steinsapir’s patients consistently achieve beautifully natural upper blepharoplasty results with a reduced recovery time and lowered risk of complications.
In Dr. Steinsapir’s capable hands, you can reap the full scope of upper eyelid surgery benefits:
- Removing excess fat from the upper eyelids restores a youthfully refreshed appearance and minimizes upper eyelid puffiness and swelling
- Excising the surplus skin responsible for obscuring the natural fold in the upper eyelids corrects hooding and improves peripheral vision
- Tightening and lifting the eyelid musculature corrects upper eyelid ptosis (sagging) so the eyelids don’t appear deflated or droopy
- Smoothing the eyelid platform eliminates the appearance of crepiness, which can interfere with the placement of makeup on the eyelid
Dr. Steinsapir’s private practice is located in beautiful Beverly Hills, California. If you are interested in having upper eyelid surgery performed by a true expert, or would like information on other eye surgery or cosmetic surgery procedures, please contact our office today!
To learn more about procedures and treatments performed by Beverly Hills | Los Angeles Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Kenneth Steinsapir, contact us at 310-274-7422