Plastic Surgery Blog
Tag Archives: Plastic surgeon
What is the Cost of Forehead Lift Surgery?
Published on April 28, 2016 byBefore answering this question—what does a typical forehead lift surgery cost—we must first dispel the notion that there is a “typical” forehead surgery! Yes, the basic definition of forehead surgery is the same for everyone: a cosmetic procedure designed to Read More…
Upper Eyelid Plastic Surgery Costs
Published on April 16, 2016 byUpper eyelid surgery is a surgical rejuvenation procedure designed to reverse unwelcome and unappealing alterations to the eyes stemming from the natural aging process and frequent exposure to the sun’s UV energy and harmful environmental pollutants. Unfortunately, even with sun Read More…
Upper Eyelid Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos
Published on April 8, 2016 byAs our lives get busier, our responsibilities heavier, and our stress levels higher, we expect that at times, our face may look a little more careworn than we may like. But what if you always look careworn and exhausted, even Read More…
How Much Does Forehead Lift Surgery Cost?
Published on March 29, 2016 byForehead lift surgery is an ideal cosmetic surgery procedure for anyone concerned about the appearance of furrows and lines between the eyes and/or across the brow or hooding (lateral skin folds) between the eyebrows and eyelids, or who is simply Read More…
What Happens During Forehead Lift Surgery?
Published on March 17, 2016 byForehead lift surgery, also known as a browlift or eyebrow lift, is a specialized cosmetic surgery procedure designed to rejuvenate your facial appearance by smoothing away furrows and lines across the forehead, eliminating frown lines, and lifting and elevating the Read More…
Finding the Right Asian Eyelid Surgery Specialist
Published on March 3, 2016 byThere are a lot of cosmetic surgeons out there advertising “expertise” in Asian eye surgery, which can make choosing the “right” surgeon complicated and confusing. Asian eye surgery is a specialized cosmetic surgery procedure requiring in-depth knowledge of both the Read More…
Upper Eyelid Surgery Overview
Published on January 19, 2016 byBenefits of Upper Eyelid Surgery The benefits of upper eyelid surgery, when performed by a talented and experienced oculofacial and cosmetic surgeon such as Dr. Kenneth Steinsapir, can be truly amazing. Yet developing a comprehensive appreciation for just how Read More…
Your Beverly Hills Eye Surgeon
Published on January 8, 2016 byMany patients who come to Dr. Kenneth Steinsapir seeking a consultation on cosmetic surgery are surprised to learn that small, precise alterations to eyelids can have a truly transformative impact on the entire face! Their central position in the face, Read More…
Hughes Flap Eyelid Reconstruction Overview
Published on December 20, 2015 byRepairing Lower Eyelid Injury and Damage: Hughes Flap Eyelid Reconstruction The eye is truly one of the most amazing wonders of human engineering, both stunningly complex and surprisingly fragile. And while we may think less about them, the eyelids Read More…
Mohs Eyelid Reconstruction Overview
Published on December 12, 2015 byEyelid Reconstruction After Mohs Cancer Surgery A diagnosis of skin cancer can be devastating, and while today’s advanced surgical techniques and treatment options mean that we are surviving skin cancer in ever greater numbers, the most effective treatment for Read More…