9001 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 305, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Revision Eyelid Surgery Before and After Photos

Published on December 3, 2015

Before and After Photos of Actual Patients Show Dramatic, Naturally-Beautiful Results!


Revision Eyelid Surgery Before and After Photos

Blepharoplasty, or “eyelid lift surgery”, is a powerful restorative procedure designed to brighten and refresh tired, aging eyes. When performed by a skilled and talented surgeon with both a comprehensive knowledge of facial anatomy and an appreciation for the complexity with which the facial features achieve a balanced, naturally-beautiful appearance, even the smallest changes effected by a properly-performed blepharoplasty can have dramatically stunning, youthful results. Unfortunately, as these “before” photos demonstrate, when an eyelid lift is performed utilizing improper surgical technique or a “cookie-cutter” surgical plan (in which every patient receives the exact same surgery, regardless of differences in facial anatomy or aesthetic goals), the results can be truly devastating for the patience’s appearance and their self-confidence.

Beverly Hills Oculofacial and Cosmetic Surgeon

Dr. Kenneth Steinsapir, world renowned oculofacial and cosmetic surgeon in Beverly Hills, California, sees multiple patients every day seeking a second opinion because they are displeased with the results of a prior blepharoplasty. In some cases, patients may be concerned because the prior surgery resulted in an unappealing aesthetic change, while others may feel that the aesthetic changes brought about by the original surgery did not go far enough. Yet whatever the reason for your dissatisfaction with your prior eye surgery, as the patients in these before and after photos have learned, there is no reason to simply “put up with” dissatisfying results. Although revision eye surgery is a delicate, complicated surgery, which must take into account structural and anatomical changes already made to the eye, Dr. Steinsapir has extensive experience diagnosing the root causes of unsatisfactory blepharoplasty results, as well as the surgical skill with advanced, less aggressive surgical techniques required to achieve the stunning, naturally-beautiful results you can see in these “after” photos.

Innovative Surgical Techniques

Dr. Steinsapir’s extensive experience and innovative surgical techniques are only part of the reason why the patients you see in these before and after photos are so pleased with the results of their revision eyelid lift surgery with this talented cosmetic surgeon. The other part of the equation is an open, honest dialogue between patient and surgeon throughout every step in the cosmetic surgery process. The before and after photos that you see on Dr. Steinsapir’s website, or that you will see during your personalized consultation with Dr. Steinsapir, are not stock photos from the Internet; they are photos of Dr. Steinsapir’s actual patients. Moreover, these photos have not been edited, “touched up”, or manipulated in any way. By providing you with unedited, untouched before and after pictures, Dr. Steinsapir is enabling you to make an informed decision about the quality of his work and his caring, dedicated approach to every patient who comes to his practice. Making these photos available to you is the first step in Dr. Steinsapir’s commitment to opening an honest, truthful dialogue with you, and the first step in achieving the bright, naturally-beautiful, youthful appearance you have been waiting for.

If you believe you need a revision eyelid lift, we encourage you to contact Dr. Steinsapir at his relaxing private practice in Los Angeles, California for a personalized consultation today!

To learn more about procedures and treatments performed by Beverly Hills | Los Angeles Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Kenneth Steinsapir, contact us at 310-274-7422

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