9001 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 305, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Mid Facelift


75 year old woman with fullness of the lower eyelids.

This woman previously had upper eyelid surgery and a facelift.  Classically, she would be offered lower eyelid surgery to remove the puffiness in the lower eyelid.  She might also be offered arcus marginalis release surgery or DeepfillTM undereye Restylane®. Her real issue is midface descent.  She was motivated to have a surgical solution.  After a full discussion of options, she elected to have a vertical midface lift performed behind the eyelids.  Dr. Steinsapir has developed this innovative approach to midface surgery.  Through a tiny skin incision, the midface is approached from behind the eyelid.  Dr. Steinsapir then places a hand carved implant at the orbital rim.  The results are very natural.

Mid Facelift
Mid Facelift