9001 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 305, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Forehead Lift


Forehead Lift, Eyelid Surgery, and Chemical Peel

Cosmetic Concern: 43-year old woman looking for rejuvenation of the face and eyelids.  Another surgeon told her that she needed an upper eyelid surgery.


1. Eyebrow ptosis.

2. Herniated lower eyelid fat.

3. Sun damaged skin.


1. Endoscopic forehead lift.

2. Lower transconjunctival eyelid surgery.

3. Full face chemical peel.

Discussion:  Notice that no upper eyelid surgery was performed.  The forehead lift elevates the fold in the upper eyelids.  This tissue would be removed by standard upper eyelid surgery.  However, this causes a loss of the natural upper eyelid fold.  The forehead lift preserves this important aspect of the eyelid.  Dr. Steinsapir is one of the pioneers of the endoscopic forehead lift.

Forehead Lift
Forehead Lift