9001 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 305, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Forehead Lift

Patient 1

Asian Eyelid Surgery
Asian Eyelid Surgery
Patient 1

Procedure: Upper Face Restoration Cosmetic Concern: 74-year-old woman with left facial weakness following Bell’s palsy. Diagnosis: 1. Bell’s palsy. 2. Left forehead paralysis. 3. Pseudoherniated orbtial fat. Treatment: 1. Endoscopic forehead lift. 2. Upper eyelid surgery. 3. Lower eyelid surgery.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 2

Forehead Lift
Forehead Lift
Patient 2

Forehead Lift, Eyelid Surgery, and Chemical Peel Cosmetic Concern: 43-year old woman looking for rejuvenation of the face and eyelids.  Another surgeon told her that she needed an upper eyelid surgery. Diagnosis: 1. Eyebrow ptosis. 2. Herniated lower eyelid fat.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 3

Forehead Lift
Forehead Lift
Patient 3

Midface & Forehead Surgery Cosmetic Concern: 42-year-old woman concerned about her aging appearance. Diagnosis: The heaviness of the upper eyelids is due to a fall in the forehead or brow ptosis.  The descent of the malar fat pad is also

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 4

Forehead Lift
Forehead Lift
Patient 4

Forehead Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic Concern: 54-year old man who is interested in enhancing his appearance.  He feels his eyes make him look tired. Diagnosis: Forehead wrinkles. Eyebrow ptosis with hooding of the upper eyelids. Crowsfeet wrinkles. Lower eyelid wrinkles. Treatment:

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 5

Forehead Lift
Forehead Lift
Patient 5

Cosmetic Concern:  58-year old man who is concerned about looking fresher and younger. Diagnosis: Forehead wrinkles. Severe eyebrow ptosis. Herniated lower eyelid orbital fat Midface ptosis. Facial wrinkles. Neck cords. Treatment: Endoscopic forehead lift. Midface lift over hand carved orbital

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 6

Forehead Lift
Forehead Lift
Patient 6

Midface & Forehead Lift Cosmetic Concern: 36 year old concerned about the circles under her eyes and the heaviness of her upper eyelids. Diagnosis: The heaviness of the upper eyelids is due to a fall in the forehead or brow

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 7

Forehead Lift
Forehead Lift
Patient 7

Upper Facelift & Chemical Peel Cosmetic Concern:  51-year old woman who is interested in a more youthful appearance. Diagnosis: Bilateral eyebrow ptosis. Lower eyelid wrinkles. Herniated orbital fat. Treatment: Endoscopic forehead lift. Lower eyelid chemical peel.  Discussion:  The endoscopic forehead

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.