9001 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 305, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Eyelid Procedures

Patient 11

Patient 11

Orbital & Midface Reconstruction (Warning some items have graphic surgical images). Cosmetic Concern: This 51-year old woman lost her left eye from a childhood orbital tumor.  She consulted Dr. Steinsapir because her glass eye would not stay behind the left

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 12

Asian Eyelid Surgery
Asian Eyelid Surgery
Patient 12

Asian (Double Fold) Eyelid Surgery and Facial Liposuction Cosmetic Concern: 49-year-old woman looking to rejuvenate her appearance. Her concerns were her eyes and lower face. She elected to have eyelid surgery and lower face and neck liposuction. Diagnosis
1. Hooding of

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 13

Eyelid Surgery
Eyelid Surgery
Patient 13

Eyelid Surgery Cosmetic Concern: 45 year-old desiring improvement of her face. Diagnosis: Midface ptosis Herniated lower eyelid fat Lower eyelid rhytids Treatment: Lower eyelid transconjunctival blepharoplasty Arcus marginalis release Lower eyelid chemical peel

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 14

Patient 14

Note this case contains graphic images from surgery. Chief Concern: This 28-year old has a history of childhood thyroid eye disease. She had orbital decompression at the Jules Stein Eye Institute as well as several other eyelid procedures. However, she

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 15

Asian Eyelid Surgery
Asian Eyelid Surgery
Patient 15

Asian (Double Fold) Eyelid Surgery Cosmetic Concern: 56-year-old woman with heavy upper eyelids Diagnosis
1. Hooding of the upper eyelids Treatment:
1. Upper eyelid surgery Discussion: Preservation natural eyelid fullness and the upper eyelid fold are very important to maintain a natural

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 16

Eyelid Surgery
Eyelid Surgery
Patient 16

Cosmetic Concern: 27 year old with a droopy right upper eyelid. Diagnosis: Right upper eyelid ptosis Treatment: 1. Right upper eyelid ptosis surgery

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 17

Patient 17

Note this case contains graphic images from surgery. Chief Concern: This 45 year man (Figure 1) reports that over a period of years he has noticed a gradual swelling the right inner corner of his eyelids with a progressive bulging

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 18

Patient 18

Revisional Asian (Double Fold) Eyelid Surgery Cosmetic Concern: 29-year-old woman with prior unsatisfactory eyelid surgery. She feels too much of the upper eyelid folds were removed, Westernizing her upper eyelids. Diagnosis
1. Over-aggressive prior blepharoplasty
2. Uncorrected upper eyelid ptosis Treatment:
1. Upper

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 19

Eyelid Surgery
Eyelid Surgery
Patient 19

Cosmetic Anchor Blepharoplasty and Ptosis Repair Cosmetic Concern:  28-year-old woman concerned with eyelid symmetry.  In talking with her, her primary concern is that the eyes are both heavy but the right eye look heavier that the left eye. Diagnosis: Bilateral

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 20

Mid Facelift
Mid Facelift
Patient 20

Cosmetic Concern: 33 year with lower eyelid compromise after lower transcutaneous blepharoplasty. Diagnosis: The lower eyelids have been pulled down do to lack of skin and scaring caused by her original lower eyelid surgery. The lower eyelids eyes are bowed

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

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